
  • book with light

    Policies for Academic Excellence

    Maimona is an expert in the field of education and will develop policies to maximize student success

  • Early Learning & Youth Leadership Development

    Creating opportunities for our youngest learners and access to high quality early childhood programs

  • County-Wide Resource Equity & Accessibility

    County-Wide Resource Equity & Accessibility

    Advocating for our most vulnerable students and prioritizing community needs in our schools

Policies for Academic Excellence

Maimona will utilize her experiences as teacher and local elected official to lead the Santa Clara County Board of Education in developing trailblazing policies for academic excellence. These policies can become model examples for all 31 school districts in the county. As a special education teacher, her expertise working in schools with students, educators and families is unparalleled. Her accomplishments include: developing Ethnic Studies curriculum, environmental and financial literacy resources, and transforming special education policies into classroom practices that promote inclusion and high academic achievement for all students.


Early Learning & Youth Leadership Development

At San Jose State University, Maimona tracked developmental milestones in children under 5 and helped run reading literacy programs for inner-city students. She knows first-hand what it takes to run effective programming that meets the needs of every child. As a mother of a young child, she understands how learning begins much earlier than kindergarten. Research shows 90% of brain development occurs before age 5, that is why Maimona prioritizes providing rich learning experiences and environments early when it matters. She wants to ensure we continue to expand family resource centers and child care provider (family, friend and neighbor) training to empower parents and care-givers.


County-Wide Resource Equity & Accessibility

The fact is our school districts and our education system are not equitably funded. As a community leader and elected official working within California school systems Maimona understands these intricacies and short-comings directly and more importantly how they are impacting our students. She has worked with local, county, and state stakeholders and agencies to cut the red tape and finally bridge the opportunity gap. Whether in her own classroom or at the school board level, Maimona continues to prioritize providing resources to our most vulnerable student populations including students receiving special education services, English language learners, and unhoused and foster youth students.