Click the yellow area on the map, which represents Trustee Area 6. Zoom in to view the blue boundary line.

Trustee Area 6

Trustee Area 6 includes the following school districts:

Alum Rock, Mt. Pleasant, and Franklin-McKinley and corresponding portion of East Side Union High school districts and a small portion of San Jose Unified.

Use the address search button to find out if you live in County Board of Education- Trustee Area #6.

You must be a registered voter in Trustee Area 6 to vote for Maimona.

About the Santa Clara County Board of Education:

The Santa Clara County Board of Education is the elected Governing Board of the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE), a public agency charged with serving and overseeing a combined 270,000 students across the County’s 31 school districts and authorized charter schools. SCCOE has provided high-quality resources to the County for more than 160 years. 

SCCOE’s $308 million budget (2019) funds instruction across countywide education programs such as: special education, alternative education, preschool, migrant education, environmental education and the Opportunity Youth Academy. It also provides human resources, technology, professional development, instructional support, safety, and equity services.